This year I make my wish come true
You can make this happening or coming blue
Things tremble, tingle
Like a bubble full of rainbows
Then crack
Sizzle, sing and whisper
When the shadows lace the moonlight with black
Make me the happiest person who has lived here
Things with silver lining
Sparkling tinsel twinkle, shining
With waving whispy willow wings
That breath the song of Christmas time dreams
Things that glow and glisten
Eyes of children when they listen then burst
Things are touched
The whistfull wish of watching someone else succeed first
Days dingle, dangle
With a million parts I'm tangled to
And satin stars that spangle
And those Cristmas bells that clangle our dreams
Our love dreams
Our charm and happy dreams
Please, take me out to the fear
and make it my dream coming real
I'm dreaming of Christmas
To my love merry Christmas
I'm dreaming of a merry Christmas
A very merry Christmas with you
I'm talking a day of dreams
Wishes and moonbeams
I´m dreaming for a long time
Would you make real my desire?
I can tremble tingle like a bubble full of rainbows and light
If you come to wake me and to wish me merry Christmas in love
A Christmas in love with you
A Christmas in love with you

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